Beginner Foundation Dog Training Lessons


Beginner Dog Semi-Private Foundation Class $179.0 (First Complete Pawsitive 1st Step for People)

Five semi-private class lessons with force-free positive reinforcement. No more than 2 dog and person friendly dogs in class.are person and dog friendly.  Instruction is individualized for you and your dog.

Plus two 20 minute individual lessons for teaching, demonstration and problem-solving.

Video guides are provided to you to help with teaching the behaviors at home.

The behaviors taught are getting focus/eye-contact from your dog, beginner levels of recall, take it/leave it/drop it, beginner hand targeting-which can later teach various tricks, beginner sit/down/stand, walking at your side and going to a "place"-a key to solving many problems.  Beginner level is the dog gives the behavior in response to one taught signal in a low distraction situation.

Dogs can learn quickly with this type of class training and with short home practices by the end of the third class you may be ready to go beyond the beginner level.  We will then work on the three D's: giving behaviors for longer Duration, around more Distraction and from a greater Distance from you, as well as learning both verbal and visual signals.

All family and household members are welcome, but please have an extra adult for any children under 12 or children who may need extra supervision. 

Private Lessons $55 per session

Private lessons are the starting place for dogs who are reactive and unable to focus and would have difficulty learning or being safe when they are around other dogs or people.  We will discuss who can or should also be at lessons depending on each specific situation.  If a dog in the Beginner Class is too reactive to other dogs or people a transition to private training will be arranged.  In that situation two group lessons will convert to one 45 minute private lesson .